Friday, 23 April 2010

London Characters worksshop

In this workshop, we are going to create
a london characters, like a monster.

we works as a group and choice a london borough
to make a characters can represent the area.
And we make it become a powerful monster and fight with other borough's characters.

First we make research about our borough- Hillington.
we found out Hillington is a nice area and has a lots of
park and the loco council provide many good activity.
so, we think the people live here are nice and happy.
But the london airport Heathrow are really near,
so maybe the feel angry about that.
For that reason, we have an idea that is make this characters has two face to represent
the bad side and good side of this area.
And we started to visualize.
we found a brush to become its foot.

This is our Hillington character!!

This side is Hillary,
she represent the good side and her hands will give you a
hug, her brush will clean the street, her eye will look out for everyone
and her lip will kiss to share love.
This is Keathrow,
he represent the strong side, his hand will slap the enemy,
his brush will scratch went they are fight, his eyes will starring at bad kids
and his lip will shorting and moaning bad guys.

Here are some other London characters.

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